Native Elements

Native Elements (NE) is not a CSS framework, no bundlers required or tons of configurations to set. You can consider it as a customizable plug-n-play library for your site which helps you easily style all the available HTML elements using CSS custom properties, classes, attributes, or whatever you want in less than 6 kB. You can also build your class-based CSS framework on top of it.

HTML elements with CSS superpowers. Native Elements


This library is built using modern CSS feature and best practices, the compiled version supports only the latest two Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge versions and this is possible thanks to Browserslist


Built on top of PostCSS takes advantage of exciting new CSS features, like custom and logical properties. If you use it from source, you can define custom selectors and mixins to make styling even easier.


In the age of Flexbox, CSS grid, and other exciting layout features, there is less and less need for a bloated CSS framework. What you do need is a simple foundation on top of which to build your styles.

Framework agnostic

If you're using the compiled version, just drop it inside your application main style. It's just CSS, so it works with React, Vue, Angular and Svelte.

Easy theming

With our theme builder tool you can create, tweak, and export your theme easily. In the future, we'll share new premade themes.

Other features

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